Friday, January 7, 2011

Outline of the Story of Theseus

1. Theseus was born a great Athenian hero.
2. He grew up in Southern Greece with his mother.
3. His father was King Aegeus. When Theseus was old enough, he traveled to the city to meet him.
His father was about to poison him, afraid he would become too powerful. But when Theseus showed him the knife that he had given him a long time ago, the king declared him his heir.
5. The king sent Theseus on a journey to kill the Minitour
: Half-Bull, Half-Human. Seven maidens and seven men had to go to Crete as victoms of the Minitour. King Minos wanted revenge because a bull had killed/defeated his own son, Androgeus.
6. Minos' daughter, Ariadne, fell in love with Theseus. They were to get married if he survived the Minitour.

7. Theseus found the monster sleeping
and killed it.
8. Ariadne died on the way back.

9. Theseus forgot to raise the white sail.
So his father jumped into the sea, which is now known as the Aegean Sea.
10. Theseus returned and ruled the Athens. He married Ariadnes sister, Phaedra.
11. Phaedra fell in love with her step-son, Hippolytus, when they came to visit him. She decided to kill herself, and she left a note that said Hippolytus violated her.
12. Theseus banished his innocent son from the land.
13. Artemis revealed the truth, but Hippolytus had already been killed at sea. Soon, a friend of Theseus, King Lycomedes, killed him for unknown reasons.

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