Sunday, January 9, 2011

How does the Story Change him Spiritually, Mentally, and Physically?

When Theseus's wife Phaedra fell in love with his son/her stepson he was changed. We infer that this problem must have changed his spirit and view of love, because the story does not tell of him falling in love again. His belief of love had been damaged.

Mentally: Theseus changed from his many mistakes and his many successes. Luckily, his successful times took over and brought him to have a powerful, and smart mindset to be a good leader. He learned from the negative mental changes and got new ideas. Defeating the Minitour brought him the biggest mental change. This success brought him confidence.

Physically: Theseus changed physically when King Lycomedes killed him. Theseus is known to be a Demi-God though, so his spirit was still very alive. This physical change brought people to recognize him in a different way. They honored him.

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